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  • Writer's pictureContractor's Roof Service

Announcing CRS’s Commitment to Purchase and Install only American Made Products

Thinking and buying only “American Made” products is more difficult than it may seem. It requires a shift in mindset as well as corporate culture. It also requires sourcing of materials through alternative supply sources. Contractor’s Roof Service (CRS) has made this shift in corporate culture and has committed to purchase and install of products made in America for their clients’ roofing projects.

In our current climate, it is almost impossible to achieve 100% American Made business operations. However, CRS has come close in their endeavor.

Robert Martichenko of LeanCor Supply Chain Group. Says, “It’s safe to say that a ‘new normal’ will be an outcome of the crisis (Covid-19), which will include how we think, plan, execute, and improve our supply chains.”

CRS is not waiting for the trend. They have been leaders in the industry for over 28 years, and now is no exception. “Our goal moving forward will be to endeavor to purchase and install products for our clients’ projects that are made in America.” -Jeff Rankin, President.

The process of bringing manufacturing back to our own country is called reshoring. According to the reshoring initiative of 2010, it is “the fastest and most efficient way to strengthen the U.S. economy because it: Helps balance the trade and budget deficits; Reduces unemployment by creating productive jobs; Reduces income inequality; and Motivates skilled workforce recruitment by demonstrating that manufacturing is a growth career.”

CRS intends that buying American Made will support our recovery and strengthen our future. CRS hopes the rest of the community joins them in their commitment to the community and country. Their motto: We are in this together.

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